Uber Vocab Lab: Crashcourse of lexical reclamation

Push the Envelope
3 min readMar 30, 2022

This is an Uber glossary hand picked by humans, 100% algorithm-free. We aim to literally deconstruct the word ‘Uber’ with which you might be familiar by way of terms like Übermensch from Nietzche or Übermodel care of Claudia Schiffer. This is indeed a list that would make wise wordsmith Billy Joel jealous with pen envy. Even if, by publishing this article, we infinitesimally tilt the balance in the asymmetrical power dynamic between worker and employer, we will have succeeded. A comprehensive German dictionary contained no less than six pages of terms beginning with the prefix ‘über’. We were spoiled with a cornucopia of options. The following is an exploration of Uber inspired nomenclature.

The companies

The companies are ultra influential in the power dynamic between bosses and workers. Multinational delivery companies possess an Übermaß (overabundance) of workers and can adjust the number of shifts available depending on how many workers they think they will require. While delivering, the companies will überwachen (control) the route and sequence of deliveries of the couriers, thusly sapping their independence. The excessive überwachen over the work process springs from Übereifer (excessive zeal). Couriers find it difficult to interact with an entity that is übermacht (too powerful). All couriers ask for is a fair share of the companies’ Überfluß (opulence). However this very same Überfluß leaves the companies with an illusory Überheblichkeit (foolish pride).

The workers

The workers have a bumpy road to take. Despite having Übergroß (enormous) bags, bicycle messengers are often überbelasten (overloaded) with Übergabe (deliveries). The Übergewicht (excess of weight) results from the übergroß rucksack being übervoll (too full). An unbalanced load might cause a courier to swerve and get überfahren (crushed by a car). However, despite the burden, überstark (overly strong) couriers pedal to achieve Überschallgeschwindigkeit (supersonic speed).

The Job

The prefix ‘über’ cannot aptly capture the situation of the workers and the job. Thus the prefix ‘unter’, or ‘under’, is employed. The companies expect couriers to possess a modicum of unternehmungsgeist (entrepreneurial spirit), however the de facto situation is that couriers are untergebene (subordinated). Couriers are Unterhändler (intermediaries) who deliver tangible goods from Point A to Point B. They receive orders on their smartphones that, while riding, can be unterhaltsam (distracting) and create danger. Objectively speaking, couriers have Unterlegenheit (inferiority) with regards to the companies, the same companies that constantly attempt to unterdrücken (oppress) collective labour mobilization. Some posit that companies attempt to unterjochen (enslave) couriers, a strategy that was truly hatched in the Unterwelt (Hell).


This jovial and informative journey was made available by functional literacy. So look in a book, you’ll be amazed at what you might discover. As a parenthesis, readers should note that when uber is translated into Latin, the term listed is ‘teat’. Perhaps this is a telltale sign that while Uber would want to be a nourishing milk, they’re past their expiration date and are now rather sour. Thank you for reading this. Happy April Fools Day!

Michael Thomas Kowalsky

*may your lights be green*



Push the Envelope

Articles and artwork from Canada’s courier community